CoinMarketCap announces its first-ever large scale conference with an exciting speakers line-up - and it's free to attend
NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 – CoinMarketCap, the world’s most popular site for cryptocurrency information, has announced its first look at speakers and supporting media headlining its first-ever large scale conference, named The Capital, taking place in Singapore on November 12-13 this year. For this first conference, the dual themes that they have earmarked are “adoption” and “liquidity”, two of the most relevant topics for the company.
To exemplify these themes, CoinMarketCap has invited a range of speakers who will expand the range of discussion into related industries, focusing on adoption. For example, Aliza Knox, MD of Cloudflare APAC, and Brett Gibson, Partner of Initialized Capital (founded by Alexis Ohanian of Reddit), will be sharing their unique perspectives on the crypto industry.
为了举例说明这些主题,CoinMarketCap邀请了一系列演讲者,他们将把讨论范围扩大到相关行业,重点是应用前景。例如,Cloudflare APAC的总经理Aliza Knox和Initialized Capital(由Reddit的Alexis Ohanian创建)的合伙人Brett Gibson将分享他们对加密货币行业的独特看法。
Some familiar and respected names within the industry will also be gracing the event as speakers, including Changpeng “CZ” Zhao, CEO of Binance, Samson Mow, Chief Strategy Officer of Blockstream, and Livio ,CEO of Huobi Global. (You can find the full list of speakers here.)
业内一些熟悉且受人尊敬的嘉宾也将在此次活动中发言,其中包括Binance公司首席执行官赵长鹏、Blockstream公司首席战略官Samson Mow、火币网全球CEO (火币集团副总裁) Livio等。(你可以在这里找到完整的演讲者名单。)
Previously, CoinMarketCap had revealed that its enigmatic founder, Brandon Chez, will take the stage for the first time, together with Sunny King, the equally anonymous and incognito creator of the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism.
此前,CoinMarketCap曾透露,其神秘莫测的创始人布兰登•切斯(Brandon Chez)将首次登台,与他一起登台的还有同样匿名、神秘的PoS共识机制”发明人Sunny King
“We are floored by the support and enthusiasm that we have had from all parts of the crypto and blockchain ecosystem for an honest, accessible conference focused on adoption and liquidity,” said Spencer Yang, VP of Special Projects at CoinMarketCap, who is leading the event, “We made event tickets free for all, so that anyone who wants to learn will be able to do so with no barriers to their education.
”我们感受到大家的支持和热情,因为我们一直以公正,诚实的形象立足加密和区块链生态系统实,此次会议侧重于应用前景和流动性,”Spencer VP of Special Projects CoinMarketCap,同时,“我们活动门票免费,让普罗大众能更好地学习并参与到到加密货币行业。
The Capital will also be streaming live on the site for interviews conducted on-site by DataDash, one of the most popular YouTube influencers in crypto, focusing on technical analysis; its stage will be hosted by IvanonTech, also an influencer, most famous for his daily updates and educational initiatives in the space.
Please find out more about the event in this initial blog post by CoinMarketCap.
请通过CoinMarketCap的最初的博文( initial blog post)中了解更多。
CoinMarketCap Conference page can be found at: Please sign up there for the latest updates!
Tickets are sold here.
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